We at THE BEST OF NATURE, believe in Nature to be our Master and reflecting our own pure nature. As a consequence, we wish to offer experiences that value the link to the Earth and Sky, reconnecting with the Beauty of Life and making Living in Nature – with respect of the environment – a Lifestyle.


We at THE BEST OF NATURE, believe in Beauty to be supporting our capacity of marvelling at and gratitude attitude. As a consequence, we wish to offer experiences that integrate beauty and harmony into the daily life, either out or indoor while cultivating the sense of beauty in our every act and decision, from the decoration to the daily service attention, going as far as to give importance to discretion and peacefulness.

We at THE BEST OF NATURE, believe in Simple Things to be precious. As a consequence, we wish to value Authenticity in our relationship to guests as much with the team as with the locals they may meet during their stay. The experiences we provide are meant to be deep, with a heart opened consciousness highlighting Travelling as a rich opportunity to meet each other, exchange on our own ways of life, thus promoting Peace.

at THE BEST OF NATURE, believe in Travelling as a way of transformation, and do believe in Travelling in Nature as a way of injecting respect into our daily lives. As such, we believe in Travelling to be much more than a hobby, a Spiritual journey.

We at THE BEST OF NATURE, believe that Travelling can make a difference for some remote regions of the World that need economic development. As a consequence, we wish to give back to Nature with a global consciousness and a local involvement, notably by educating the people, giving them a job, leading them to also protect the environment while understanding ecotourism as a chance.

We at THE BEST OF NATURE, also believe that beyond the basic and fundamental economic needs to satisfy, we can create value for the society more globally and have the feeling deep inside that Nature and a natural living our ecolodges promote* can contribute to the change of values our society needs.

We at THE BEST OF NATURE are expecting to welcome you with a great surprise : that of offering you the very chance to reconnect to the sensitive world. As Nature, Man is made of the Elements. Have you ever experienced that behind an interest in visiting Namibia lies a willing to (re)connect to the Earth and the way it anchors to Peace of mind and letting go? Behind a willing to fly to Iceland, Fire attracts you with its deep power of making you evolve and go beyond your habits while Bali and the Water more globally have a direct connection to intuition and inspiration, creativeness you may wish to spread out into your life.

By rediscovering the link between Cosmos and Human being, we may reach another level of consciousness and get back to BEING first rather than DOING first ; while confronting nature, we can connect, by mirror effect, our true, happy and generous nature.

We at THE BEST OF NATURE, believe in evolution and transformation as being essential. While we are more than happy to offer you a new way of Travelling, inspirational and transformational ; we are also glad to take part in a beautiful community of soul given the opportunity to exchange on sustainable experiences and meaningful matters with an alltogetherness approach to Life & Travel, rather than an “alone on a remote place” feeling our secluded places could easily lead us to.

* Let’s precise that the ecolodge is much more than a terminology, a way of approaching Life. Some of THE BEST OF NATURE’s places offered on this website may be pure ecolodges as well as Fazendas, Fincas, Lodges (without the eco prefix but with same sensitiveness in the blood), even Hotels with a Lodge flavor.

IN BRIEF, we are happy to offer you on www.thebestofnature.net – a portfolio that will be enriched through the years – :
WOW PLACES in pure Nature (either in a park, a private reserve or a holy nature sanctuary nobody ever heard of before), dedicated to your wellness.

PLACES WHERE HUMAN complicity prevails, and you are expected with a HEART OPENED WELCOME (whatever the number of rooms, the importance is on the way guests wish to welcome).

PLACES GIVING BACK TO NATURE and DEVELOPPING A TERRITORY with the conviction of a mission to accomplish, making your (next) trip meaningful.

PLACES OFFERING A DEEP EXPERIENCE: in other words, the soul of a destination. We promise you to experience THE BEST OF THE LODGE while informing through your (direct) booking with the lodge that you are contacting it on behalf of THE BEST OF NATURE.

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